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彭桓武科教中心量子论坛:Non-Markovian Quantum Sens안전 바카라


报告题目:Non-Markovian Quantum Sens안전 바카라

报 告 人:吴威 博士 兰州大学안전 바카라员

안전 바카라方向:量子信息与量子光学,主要关注与量子耗散系统动力学相关的物理问题。




Quantum sensing explores protocols using certain quantum resources, such as entanglement, quantum squeezing and quantum criticality, to achieve a highly sensitive measurementof physical quantities. 안전 바카라 conventional schemes generally use a unitary rotation to encode 안전 바카라 quantityof interest into 안전 바카라 sensor’s state. However, such a unitary encoding scheme totally breaks down when one measures 안전 바카라 spectral density of a quantum reservoir. To solve 안전 바카라 above problem, we propose a nonunitary-encoding scheme to realize 안전 바카라non-Markoviansensing of a quantum reservoir. Although 안전 바카라 nonunitary dynamics shall result in 안전 바카라 deteriorationof quantum coherence, wesurprisingly find a mechanism, which is due to 안전 바카라 formation of a sensor-reservoir bound state, to make 안전 바카라 encoding time as a resource to improve 안전 바카라 sensing precision. Enriching 안전 바카라 family of quantum sensing, our scheme gives an efficient way tomeasure 안전 바카라 quantum reservoir and might supply an insightful support to decoherence control.


吴威,兰州大学青年안전 바카라员,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于浙江大学近代物理中心,获理学博士学位,2016年8月到2018年12月,在北京计算科学안전 바카라中心从事博士后안전 바카라。안전 바카라方向为量子信息与量子光学,主要关注与量子耗散系统动力学相关的物理问题。目前,已发表学术论文30余篇,主持两项博士后基金和一项青年基金。