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量子论坛:Exotic 아이폰 바카라 전세계 tunable topological phases with Raman-induced SOC



报告题目:Exotic 아이폰 바카라 전세계 tunable topological phases with Raman-induced SOC

报告人:邓元刚 中山大学副教授,发表SCI论文11篇,包括2篇一作 아이폰 바카라 전세계ys. Rev. Lett.,截至目前为止单篇最高引用率87次。

아이폰 바카라 전세계时间:2018年5月05日上午 9:30

아이폰 바카라 전세계地点:量子楼410아이폰 바카라 전세계厅

报告摘要:Topological states that exhibit topologically protected excitations 아이폰 바카라 전세계 gapless edge modes are topical areas of research in quantum many-body physics. First, I will focus on proposing a simple experimental scheme to realize type-I 아이폰 바카라 전세계 II Weyl semimetals in 3D 아이폰 바카라 전세계 gapped Chern insulators 아이폰 바카라 전세계 gapless topological semimetal states in 2D lattices. In the presence of attractive interaction, our system hosts the gapped 아이폰 바카라 전세계 gapless topological superfluids with FF pairings in 2D lattices. Then I will discuss our recent theoretical work on tunable topological phases with fermionic atoms in a 1D flux lattice 아이폰 바카라 전세계 predicting the chiral vortex phase, the Meissner phase, 아이폰 바카라 전세계 the topological p-wave superfluids. Finally, I will provide a brief summary.

报告人简历:邓元刚,男,2009年7月在河南师范大学获得学士学位,2015年7月在中国科学院理论所获得博士学位;随后在清华大学物理系做博士后研究(获得清华大学“彭桓武博士后”支持);从2017年9月至今任中山大学物理与天文学院副教授。目前为止已经发表SCI论文11篇,包括2篇一作아이폰 바카라 전세계ys. Rev. Lett.,截止目前单篇最高引用率87次。主要从事超冷原子、分子体系中的自旋-轨道耦合、新奇拓扑态、腔量子体系中的超辐射,以及超冷旋量气体中的偶极弛豫等方面的研究。目前主持/完成一项国家自然科学基金青年基金和一项博士后基金特别资助。