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学术报告:Measurements on 바카라 시스템 배팅rm Factor


学术바카라 시스템 배팅

报告题目:Measurements on 바카라 시스템 배팅rm Factor

바카라 시스템 배팅人:宋欣颖,博士

바카라 시스템 배팅时间:2018年1月22日(周一)下午4:00

바카라 시스템 배팅地点:量子楼410

报告摘要:The study 바카라 시스템 배팅 the electromagnetic structure 바카라 시스템 배팅 hadrons began in the middle fifties and played an important role in elaborating our present knowledge on the nature 바카라 시스템 배팅 matter. Because 바카라 시스템 배팅 the exists 바카라 시스템 배팅 non-electric charge and magnetic momentum 바카라 시스템 배팅 the particle, we can’t assume particles as point-like ones whose decay rates can be exactly calculated by Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Form Factor(FF) is introduced and can be found by comparing experimental data with the result 바카라 시스템 배팅 a computation 바카라 시스템 배팅 the differential cross-section for the scattering 바카라 시스템 배팅 an electron by a pointlike charged particle. Several measurements are processed at BESIII and give an important information about FF.

报告人简介:Dr Xinying Song, graduated from University 바카라 시스템 배팅 Science and Technology 바카라 시스템 배팅 China in 2008, got Ph.D. on particle and nuclear physics in institute 바카라 시스템 배팅 high energy physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy 바카라 시스템 배팅 Sciences in 2013. From 2013 .07 to 2016.01, works as post doctoral in IHEP and in the recent two years, worked in Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP), Juelich, Helmholtz Association 바카라 시스템 배팅 Germany Research Centers in Germany.