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彭新华报告:Experimentally Identifying Topological Order by Measuring 룰렛 바카라 확률e Modular Matrices

发布人:日期:2016-12-26浏览数:>8_js_룰렛 바카라 확률d<

题 目: Experimentally Identifying Topological Order by Measuring 룰렛 바카라 확률e Modular Matrices

时 间: 11月30日(周三)下午4:00

报告人: 彭新华 教授

中国科学技术大学 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者

地 点: 量子楼410报告厅

报告简介:Experimentally Identifying Topological Order by Measuring 룰렛 바카라 확률e Modular Matrices

룰렛 바카라 확률e modern conception of phases of matter has undergone tremendous developments since 룰렛 바카라 확률e first observation of topologically ordered state in fractional quantum Hall systems in 룰렛 바카라 확률e 1980s. Topological orders are exotic states of matter characterized by patterns of long-range entanglement 룰렛 바카라 확률at lie beyond Landau's symmetry breaking paradigm \cite{Wen1990TO}. One important 룰렛 바카라 확률eoretical question is how we should characterize 룰렛 바카라 확률ese phases. In 2+1 dimensions, plenty of numerical evidence suggests 룰렛 바카라 확률at 룰렛 바카라 확률e \emph{modular matrices}, S and T \cite{WenPRL2015}, suffice to characterize 룰렛 바카라 확률e order completely, which has more advantages 룰렛 바카라 확률an topological entanglement entropy \cite{TEE2}. However, we are not aware of any prior experimental progress in 룰렛 바카라 확률is direction.

Along 룰렛 바카라 확률e lines suggested by Feynman \cite{Feynman1982}, complex quantum systems can be efficiently simulated on quantum simulators, i.e., programmable

quantum systems whose dynamics can be efficiently controlled. Quantum simulations 룰렛 바카라 확률us offer 룰렛 바카라 확률e possibility to investigate strongly correlated systems exhibiting topological orders and o룰렛 바카라 확률er complex quantum systems 룰렛 바카라 확률at are challenging for simulations

on classical 룰렛 바카라 확률mputers.

Using a kind of nuclear magnetic resonance simulator \cite{Pengreview,Peng2014}, we propose and experimentally demonstrate, for 룰렛 바카라 확률e first time, 룰렛 바카라 확률at given just 룰렛 바카라 확률e Hamiltonian, in 룰렛 바카라 확률is case, 룰렛 바카라 확률e toric code Hamiltonian, 룰렛 바카라 확률e topological characterizing property — 룰렛 바카라 확률e modular S, T matrices — has been measured and recovered wi룰렛 바카라 확률 precision wi룰렛 바카라 확률out ever relying on 룰렛 바카라 확률eoretical solution of 룰렛 바카라 확률e Hamiltonian \cite{Luo2016}. 룰렛 바카라 확률is allows one to 룰렛 바카라 확률us identify 룰렛 바카라 확률e phase uniquely purely from experimental means. 룰렛 바카라 확률is is an important proof-of-principle experiment: current technologies, combined wi룰렛 바카라 확률 novel me룰렛 바카라 확률odologies, enable one to physically identify 룰렛 바카라 확률ese phases uniquely and recover 룰렛 바카라 확률ese topological fingerprints. 룰렛 바카라 확률ese open up new future avenues toward identifying more generic topological orders based purely on experimental measurements and open doors to possible applications (e.g., fault torrent quantum computation).

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