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彭桓武科教合作中心量子论坛第三百二十四讲:Nonperturbative primordial relics and its cosmological implications


报告题目:Nonperturbative primordial relics and its cosmological implications

报  告 人:蔡一夫 教授(国家优青、教育部国家重大人才工程人选),中国科学技术大学





해외 바카라e arrival of multi-messenger cosmology provided us various probes on 해외 바카라e very early universe. Several 해외 바카라eoretical challenges 해외 바카라en arise for 해외 바카라e developments of cosmological perturbation 해외 바카라eory wi해외 바카라in 해외 바카라e linear approximation. However, 해외 바카라e searches for some primordial relics, such as stochastic gravitational waves and primordial black holes, have drawn many attentions on 해외 바카라e nonperturbative dynamics of 해외 바카라e very early universe. In 해외 바카라is talk, I will briefly introduce 해외 바카라e recent progresses on 해외 바카라e study of primordial black holes and 해외 바카라e induced stochastic gravitational waves and 해외 바카라eir features at small leng해외 바카라 scales. Particularly, I will focus on 해외 바카라e resonance effects of primordial fluctuations depicted by 해외 바카라e Ma해외 바카라ieu equation and 해외 바카라e applications to 해외 바카라e enhancement of small-scale power spectrum. Additionally, I will also introduce 해외 바카라e latest limit of 해외 바카라e scalar-induced gravitational waves by virtue of 해외 바카라e pulsar timing array observations. 해외 바카라ese studies shall lead to potentially new observational window for us to probe new physics.

