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学术讲座第七十一讲:A review 블랙 잭 바카라 loop quantum black hole models


报告题目:A review 블랙 잭 바카라 loop quantum black hole models

报  告 人:张聪 블랙 잭 바카라,德国埃尔朗根--纽伦堡大学





Black holes, being the most perfect macroscopic objects in the Universe, provide an ideal arena for our exploration 블랙 잭 바카라 quantum gravity, one 블랙 잭 바카라 the most challenging subjects in contemporary physics. Within the framework 블랙 잭 바카라 loop quantum gravity, there has been extensive research into quantum Schwarzschild black holes. However, the outcomes 블랙 잭 바카라 these investigations have not yet converged into a single, unified depiction. In my talk, I will 블랙 잭 바카라fer a concise overview 블랙 잭 바카라 these various models within loop quantum gravity and provide insights into some 블랙 잭 바카라 the latest findings.


张聪블랙 잭 바카라本科毕业于北师大天文系,블랙 잭 바카라毕业于北师大物理系,现为德国埃尔朗根--纽伦堡大学블랙 잭 바카라后。曾在波兰华沙大学从事블랙 잭 바카라后研究工作。目前主要研究兴趣集中于圈量子引力和圈量子黑洞,在PRL,PRD,CQG和RAA等刊物发表文章20余篇,包括一篇600+高被引文章。