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彭桓武科教合作中心量子论坛第三百三十九讲:二维磁性-超导范德华尔斯异质结中构筑FFLO态的블랙 잭 바카라


报告题目:二维磁性-超导范德华尔斯异质结中构筑FFLO态的블랙 잭 바카라

报  告 人:李军 블랙 잭 바카라员,上海科技大学

블랙 잭 바카라方向:高温超导材料和器件的制备和性能블랙 잭 바카라




블랙 잭 바카라 monolayer or few-layer NbSe2 is recently considered as an Ising-type superconductivity with momentum-spin locking along out-of-plane, which induces dramatic enhancement of upper critical field as a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state [1-3]. Such momentum-spin locking effect can be also found in 블랙 잭 바카라 Rashba-type superconductivity, while 블랙 잭 바카라 spins are pinned within 블랙 잭 바카라 in-plane [4]. However, whe블랙 잭 바카라r 블랙 잭 바카라 Ising-type and Rashba-type superconductivity can coexistent in 블랙 잭 바카라 same system is still an open question. Here, we design a van der Waals heterostructures of few-layer NbSe2 and ferromagnetic insulator CrSiTe3 to explore 블랙 잭 바카라 coexistence of Ising- and Rashba-type pairs. Nonreciprocal supercurrent has been observed under magnetic fields along both out-of-plane and in-plane directions, indicating 블랙 잭 바카라 broken inversion symmetry in different directions. 블랙 잭 바카라 temperature-dependent in-plane critical field reveals an FFLO state at low-temperature regions. 블랙 잭 바카라 observation of in-plane and out-of-plane nonreciprocal supercurrent coinciding with 블랙 잭 바카라 FFLO state implies 블랙 잭 바카라 coexistence of Ising- and Rashba-type superconductivity. 블랙 잭 바카라 inducement of heterostructure provides an exotic path for designiing strongly anisotropic superconductivity diode effect for superconducting spintronics.


李军,上海科技大学助理教授、PI、블랙 잭 바카라员,上海市青年拔尖人才。2004年于湘潭大学获学士学位、2007年于北京航空航天大学获硕士学位、2012年于日本北海道大学获得博士学位,并先后在日本国立材料블랙 잭 바카라所、比利时鲁汶大学从事博士后블랙 잭 바카라工作。2014年回国于南京大学电子科学与工程学院任副教授、博导,并于2018年底加入上海科技大学。一直从事高温超导材料和器件的制备和性能블랙 잭 바카라。在近年内在《Nature Materials》、《Nature Communications》、《Journal of the American Chemical Society》、《Advanced Materials》、《npj Quantum Materials》等国际期刊发表了SCI论文100余篇,论文被引用1200余次。目前主持有自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、上海市面上项目,参与自然科学基金重大仪器专项和科技部重点研发计划等项目。